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The Kinect Garden emphasizes the connection between the gardener and the plants. In a garden, the life that exists there only does so because of the catalyst: you. We sought to enlarge this in a virtual environment.


We used the Kinect V2 for Windows to create our environment. Once the Kinect recognizes a person, it places a Sun at their center. On the screen, there is virtual dirt, a basket of seeds, and a reset button as the interface.

The person grabs a seed by reaching up and making a fist in the basket.

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When they plant the seed in the ground, a flower buds. Flowers grow toward the Sun. When the Sun moves, the flowers follow.

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For audio, we had outdoor sounds (wind through the trees, birds chirping, cicadas, etc) playing through speakers situated around the room, in an attempt to surround the user and block out noise coming from outside the room. Additionally, we turned on green lights overhead instead of usual indoor lights.



We were able to leverage the Media Lab to increase immersion in our environment, using both the overhead multi-colored lights and the surround sound available. These both added to our project in a way the Kinect was not able to. Additionally, the flowers growing toward the user was able to capture the reliance of a garden on the gardener -- it was clear and intuitive to understand.


Bringing more senses into our environment would have exponentially impacted our project. For example, we debated bringing plants to the Media Lab so that the user felt like our project extended beyond the projector. A reviewer also suggested bringing in bags of dirt so the smell would be present every time the user knelt to plant a seed in the soil.


The Kinect is a difficult to beast to reign in, and our project was no different. There were glitches in our software, and its capabilities were limited. For example, our software couldn't handle more than one person in the frame at a time.


If we were to go further with this project, our first order of business would be to place some responsibility on the user. For example, some of the plants may die without the care of the gardener. We would also implement functionality where plants would fight for attention; overcrowding would become an issue, and the user would have to manage their garden accordingly.

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