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Prior to pouring any silicon for the first part of my mold, I tool my time molding the white clay around my clay shark to minimize any gaps at the parting line and to reduce any leakage. 

After the first side was poured, when I was removing the clay I noticed there was some silicon that seeped through around the edges between the white clay and the clay shark. However, it seemed only to be at one point so it didn't effect the outcome of the mold at all and I was able to remove that extra silicon. 

Also, when removing the white clay from around the clay shark it was a relatively slow and delicate process because it stuck to the surface of the shark and even pulled on of the fins off. 

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I was able to reattach the fin back onto the side of the shark before then reconstructing my bow and pouring the other half of the mold.

After pouring the second half of the mold, there was some leakage around the edges of the box so that finding the parting line of the mold was somewhat challenging. However, I was able to cut through one of the sides and find where it was at to then take the mold apart. 

I did lose the same shark fin that had been detached before and there was no way to repair the clay piece. 

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The first resin cast of the shark turned out relatively well. There were minimal bubbles along the surface which was to be expected since I put it in the pressure chamber. I set a corkscrew spiral in the mold before the resin was pours so that the part would be cast around it and I would be able to test how sturdy it would be for future pours. 

One flaw with the first cast was the absence of one of the fins due to air getting trapped in the fin and not allowing it to fully form. Adding a weep hole at the tip of that fin was the one thing I added to the mold, but I didn't need to make any other changes for future casts. 

Lastly, as I was painting the first cast I realized that the resin had begun to sweat so I stopped painting that cast and eventually discarded  it. 

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The following three casts turned out fairly successful. The second cast (blue-green one) I left the funnel in while the resin cured which is why there is a circular shaped hole in the part. The third and fourth casts (both pink) I removed the funnel so that the hold by the funnel wouldn't be there, instead there was an extra cylinder of resin attached to the cast. This extra resin was then removed via hand saw and the entire shark cast was sanded down. The third cast turned out the best (i.e. the other fin fully formed and there were no air bubbles on the tip) which was then painted to look like marble. 

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