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I started off by using the photoresistor. The photoresistor is a light sensitive resistive sensor which means that as a lot of light hits the top of the sensor, it has low resistance. 

I followed the diagram below create a circuit that lights up an LED when light hits the photoresistor. 

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Here's how it came out! : 

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Now for the Code! 

I wrote up the code below. It basically reads the input from the photo-resistor at pin A0 and maps that onto the scale for LED pwm (pulse-width-modulation). That number is stored in a variable called ledBrightness and is reflected when the LED lights up by analogWrite statement. 

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This worked! Yay! However, the mapping scale was not making the LED show enough contrast between the dimmest and brightest frequency. Therefore I changed the mapping to the code below:

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The next exercise I tried was combining a switch button input with the photo-resistor and LED output. Here was the diagram I used to integrate a button into the mix. 

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Here is the completed circuit with the switch. When the switch is turned on, the photo-resistor takes in a light reading and it displays on the LED (with it being lit up if there is a lot of light). When the switch is turned off, the LED light is off too. 

I had a tough time understanding what was going wrong with my circuit because it was not working at first. I was connected the terminal of the switch to ground, but not to the power. Also in my code, I was only reading the switch input once. I had to move that line into the loop. 

Now I got it working :)) 

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To me, having the LED light up when the photo-resistor detects less light makes more sense to me. This way the LED is offering more light in a darker environment. To do this, I had to change the mapping for the ledBrightness, which was one line of code. 

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