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In this project, I finally made a device connected to my Google Calendar which will give me an ambient notification before new events. I first went through the Neopixels tutorial on the lab site to get myself familiar with it.

Programming Neopixels

Following the setup guide on the Lab site, I was able to connect the Neopixel strip and turn on all of the pixels at once.

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Exercise 1

Modify the code to light up pixel by pixel then reverse the sequence turning each pixel off one by one.

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Exercise 2

Modify the code to light up blue, then red, then green then white in sequence.

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Exercise 3

Change the code to only light up only one pixel at a time. With each loop move that pixel one position higher. When it reaches the final pixel, restart the sequence at zero i.e. build a single pixel that will continually cycle.

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Exercise 4

Add three Particle.function to set the Red, Green and Blue components. Allow these values to be set from 0-255 and as they are set to change all of the pixels on the LED strip to that color.

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Practice Exercise: Ambient Calendar Alert

This exercise asks us to create an ambient calendar alert using a neopixel strip. It is connected to Google Calendar through IFTTT and is able to send an alert to a device 15 minutes before an appointment. The neopixels will respond by fading to red slowly to signal the meeting approaches. After the meeting has begun, it starts fading back to white. 

Step 1

Program your Neopixel Ring to display a cool white by default.

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Ambient calendar alert step 1.thumb
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Step 2

Add a Particle Cloud function and use it to change the color to red immediately. Test this with the Particle Console. Great you’ve got one step up and running.

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Step 3 

Program your Neopixel to fade to red over 1 minute using millis(). Starting with a much faster transition will help you quickly test, iterate and debug it.

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Step 4

After the initial transition, now program your Neopixel to fade from red back to white over 1 minute using millis().

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Step 5

With those working as quick transitions, test them working over 15 minutes.

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Step 6

Finally and once you’re happy with the behavior, hook it up to IFTTT.

Ifttt 2.thumb
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From this project, I learned how to use Neopixels to create multiple signals. I think it's quite useful when I want to represent different event statuses. Besides, IFTTT is a very useful platform to combine Particle with other applications.

It was extremely helpful to follow the Lab site's suggestion of breaking the practice exercise down into small steps, rather than trying to program it all at once. This is a method I will definitely implement with future projects.

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