Agent Based Drawing - Ellipses

Made by jjklein

This animation was made with Rhino, Grasshopper and Agent as a drawing prompt. Circles move and interact around a point in 3D, causing them to appear as a swarm of ellipses.

Created: March 5th, 2015


The projected sketch

Circles, represented as ellipses in 3d space, generate from a drawn curve and congregate around a central point, creating interesting sections of overlap and non-repeating motion. 


The drawings

The animation produced some interesting results. It turned out to be very fast for people to keep up with. One drawing took a literal approach, tracing ellipses, the other focused more on the overlaps.


Grasshopper sketch

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16-455 Human-Machine Virtuosity

· 0 members

Human dexterous skill embodies a wealth of physical understanding which complements computer-based design and machine fabrication. This project-oriented course explores the duality between hand and...more


This animation was made with Rhino, Grasshopper and Agent as a drawing prompt. Circles move and interact around a point in 3D, causing them to appear as a swarm of ellipses.