
Made by Katherine Martinez

Explore the ways that the 'ganzfeld' effect is experienced through media.

Created: October 19th, 2015


What is 'Ganzfeld'?

The Ganzfeld effect is similar to sensory deprivation - instead of completely blocking out sensory input, one is exposed to highly unstructured stimuli instead. This causes the brain to generate neural noise patterns in an attempt to make sense of the otherwise empty information. Since our brains are designed to find patterns, it can start to make things up when there's no real pattern to find. The Ganzfeld effect frequently causes hallucinations and an altered state of mind and has considerable documentation in case studies and experimentation.


Examples in the world

Historically, Pythagorean followers would stay in dark caves for long stretches of time in order to recieve divine visions.

Instructables offers a tutorial on how to quickly experience the Ganzfeld effect for yourself.

There are often reports of arctic scientists and explorers experiencing the Ganzfeld effect during snowstorms. The image below suggests the sort of conditions that might create the effect.


The majority of reported experiences come from unscientific home experiments and parapsychology research into ESP, but the effect is well documented and explained scientifically.


Examples in Media/Art

By far, Turrell is the most well known artist to use the Ganzfeld effect. His series of works, shown both in the cover photo and attached images, provide a colorful version of the effect. 

He, fellow artist Robert Irwin, and psychologist Ed Wortz did considerable research into manipulating this effect for art. (x)

Irwin also experimented with the Ganzfeld effect independently.

Turrell uses color and light dramatically, in an intensely immersive way, while Irwin prefers a subtler approach. Turrell has also pushed the boundaries further with his "Perceptual Cell" installations, which have often been regarded as deeply personal, bordering on uncomfortable, experiences. See this description of the experience to get an idea of what people mean.

Ganzfeld 01.thumb James Turrell
Turrell1.thumb James Turrell
Ganzfeld apani2.thumb James Turrell
Scrim veil—Black rectangle—Natural light, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Irwin scrim veil002 2340.thumb Robert Irwin (1977) -
Excursus: Homage to the Square3
Robert irwin excursus for web 2.thumb Robert Irwin (1993)


The Ganzfeld effect seems to pique interest in the psychic, which I was unaware of at the start of this project. It also seems that this effect might also be leveraged for the uncomfortable, rather than simply the beautiful/interesting to experience. 

I think I would love to explore the use of this effect in VR, though that might be beyond the scope of the course. On a smaller scale, I might be able to fake the immersion through full screen images.



Drake is using this effect better than anyone in the world.

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Explore the ways that the 'ganzfeld' effect is experienced through media.