Stove Monitor

Made by fskuok

Stove monitor supervises your stove when you are away; It can tell you: Is the stove on or not? What's the stove's temperature? How long has the stove been turned on?

Created: January 28th, 2015


Stove monitor supervises your stove when you are away;

It can tell you:

Is the stove on or not?

What's the stove's temperature?

How long has the stove been turned on?


Force Sensor x1

Temperature Sensor x1

10K Ohm Resistor x1 

470 Ohm Resistor  x2

Red LED x1

Green LED x1

10nF Capacitor x1


Jumper Wires...

* Application Setup
//if temperature sensor's data is big then this, regard stove as on
int stoveOnTemp = 21;
//if has been on longer then this (milliseconds), send a alert
int alertAfterMs = 10000;

* Main code

int sensorIndicateLED = D0;
int stoveIndicateLED = D1;
int tempSensor = A0;
int presSensor = A1;

int counter = 0;
bool sensorOn;

int stoveOn;
unsigned long stoveOnTime;
unsigned long stoveOnMs;

bool alertSent = false;

int tempReading;
double temperature;

void setup(){
  //set pins
  pinMode(sensorIndicateLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(stoveIndicateLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(tempSensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(presSensor, INPUT);

  //expose variables
  Spark.variable("stoveOn", &stoveOn, INT);
  Spark.variable("stoveOnMs", &stoveOnMs, INT);
  Spark.variable("temperature", &temperature, DOUBLE);


* Main Loop
void loop(){

  //if switch the sensor on/off through force sensor
  if(analogRead(presSensor) > 1000){
    //change sensor on/off
    sensorOn = !sensorOn;

    //if deactivate sensor, init all values

    //if activate sensor, flash LED once as feed back
      digitalWrite(sensorIndicateLED, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(sensorIndicateLED, LOW);

    //delay to prevent iterating switch on/off sensor

    //update temperature variable
    tempReading = getTemp(tempSensor);

    //flash LED to indicate data reading
    digitalWrite(sensorIndicateLED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(sensorIndicateLED, LOW);

    //if the stove on
    if(temperature > stoveOnTemp){
      digitalWrite(stoveIndicateLED, HIGH);

      //if stove is just turned on
      if(stoveOn == 0){
        //record turn on time
        stoveOnTime = millis();
        //set stove status variable
        stoveOn = 1;

      //if stove is already on

        //calculate how long has the stove been turned on
        stoveOnMs = millis() - stoveOnTime;

        //if the stove is turned on for too long
        if(stoveOnMs > alertAfterMs){

          //start to flash alert LED
          digitalWrite(stoveIndicateLED, counter%2 ? HIGH : LOW);

          //if hasn't sent alert, send a alert SMS using IFTTT
            Spark.publish("StoveOnTooLongAlert", "alert");
            alertSent = true;

    //if the stove off
      digitalWrite(stoveIndicateLED, LOW);


* function declarations
void initValues(){
  alertSent = false;
  stoveOn = 0;
  stoveOnTime = 0;
  stoveOnMs = 0;

double getTemp(int tempSensorPin){
  return ((analogRead(tempSensorPin) * 3.3) / 4095.0  - 0.5) * 100;
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Stove monitor supervises your stove when you are away;
It can tell you:
Is the stove on or not?
What's the stove's temperature?
How long has the stove been turned on?