Responsive Built Environments Final Documentation
3 projects · 4 members
Design and build a device or system that responds to external stimuli, makes decisions and affects the occupants of its shared environment.
Design and build a device or system that responds to external stimuli, makes decisions and affects the occupants of its shared environment.
Prepare a simple 2-in (sensors or inputs) 1-out (LED) device (i.e. your project will use three components (resistors and wire don't count!) and at least one must be a sensor). Present a really sim...more
Identify a perceptual trick and trace examples of its effects and use in (media) artwork.
Hello, please provide any feedback as you want.
This pool is a collection of projects, samples, research and proposals made by students taking the E-Textiles Micro Course
Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )