Bullsiris - zpm Final Project - DIY

Made by Zack Masciopinto · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

Bullsiris is a piece of furniture for a basement type environment that doubles as a functional bullseye trainer for darts. The mechanical iris opens up by manually sliding the slots with a dart to expose the center of the board.

Created: May 2nd, 2019

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24-672 Special Topics in DIY Design and Fabrication

· 22 members

Offers students hands-on experience in DIY product design and fabrication processes. Students work individually or in small groups to design customized and personalized products of their own and bu...more


Bullsiris is a piece of furniture for a basement type environment that doubles as a functional bullseye trainer for darts. The mechanical iris opens up by manually sliding the slots with a dart to expose the center of the board.