Creating an image on Facebook with my twin brother

Made by Yiru

I have a twin brother and it always surprises others when they get to learn the fact, which makes me feel special and proud. By putting up a picture with my twin brother, I intend to emphasize that I have always been a big sister, caring, responsible and decisive and that I am very special and lucky to always have someone grow with together. These won't contradict the image I have already established on Facebook, but it will give my audience a very different perspective to view the personality I have.

Created: September 18th, 2015

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I have a twin brother and it always surprises others when they get to learn the fact, which makes me feel special and proud. By putting up a picture with my twin brother, I intend to emphasize that I have always been a big sister, caring, responsible and decisive and that I am very special and lucky to always have someone grow with together. These won't contradict the image I have already established on Facebook, but it will give my audience a very different perspective to view the personality I have.