Made by Ruben Markowitz and Rebecca Wolfinger
Made by Ruben Markowitz and Rebecca Wolfinger
This robot was all about creating a learning-by-doing environment between the robot and the user. The intention was to create a robot that responded to a user's actions with some of it's own. Over the course of a few minute experience, the user could gain an understanding of how to control the robot using his or her actions. Alternatively, given the amount of variation in potential responses, the user may find themselves trying to teach the robot how they want it to respond.
Created: December 18th, 2015
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This project-oriented course brings art and engineering together into making machines which are surprisingly animate. Students will iterate their concepts through several small projects focused on ...more
This robot was all about creating a learning-by-doing environment between the robot and the user. The intention was to create a robot that responded to a user's actions with some of it's own. Over the course of a few minute experience, the user could gain an understanding of how to control the robot using his or her actions. Alternatively, given the amount of variation in potential responses, the user may find themselves trying to teach the robot how they want it to respond.