My favorite Chair with Reading and Meditation Mode

Allow your chair to adjust the reading light for you as it gets darker outside or as you meditate

Made by Hayley

This product will know when you have sat down in your favorite lounge chair, and then, has two modes: Reading Mode and Meditation Mode. For Reading Mode, based on the outside light available, the system will adjust the lighting by the chair so that you don’t have to get up and turn on a lamp as it gets dark. For Meditation Mode, the lighting will adjust to a pulsating blue-green light. Indication lights will show you what mode you are in, and the relative light level.

Created: January 28th, 2015

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This product will know when you have sat down in your favorite lounge chair, and then, has two modes: Reading Mode and Meditation Mode. For Reading Mode, based on the outside light available, the system will adjust the lighting by the chair so that you don’t have to get up and turn on a lamp as it gets dark. For Meditation Mode, the lighting will adjust to a pulsating blue-green light. Indication lights will show you what mode you are in, and the relative light level.