Need a shot?

Made by kbhuwalk · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

The design process for the shot holder.

Created: February 12th, 2019


Here is the marketing spiel for the amazing shot glass holder — "Have you ever wondered how you could carry more than two shot glasses at once? Well, this modular design allows you to carry as many as 12 glasses at once! Let do shots!"


The biggest challenge I faced during this project was the ideation phase. Since I am not a coffee or a tea person, I wasn't sure what I wanted to build (I am not an alcohol person either, in case you were wondering). To get around this problem, I wanted to get a feel for Acrylic sheets as a material.


Once I got familiarized with the material, I realized that acrylic sheets are very brittle and bending them with the use of a hot gun makes them more susceptible to breakage. With these constraints in mind, I decided to create the shot glass holder.


Initially, I wanted the holder to be modular and extensible so that it could join with another holder (think puzzle pieces joining together). However, due to material supply and time constraints, I created a very simple design that had a little modularity to it.


Here is how the holder looks when assembled fully.

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The design process for the shot holder.