Plastic Paradise

Made by kanjur and Amukta Nayak ·

Our project aims to illustrate the effect of trash on the environment. Through a 360-degree virtual reality view of a world covered in trash, people will come to learn that trash doesn't end its journey simply in the trash can.

Created: November 19th, 2018


Download the APK onto your Android phone, and use a Google Cardboard viewer to see the trash world in full! Link below:

Final build:

Production Timeline


2 hrs

Brainstorming: Thought of the original idea and pitched it


6 hrs

Bulk of the project: Made the basic VR project. Pivoted to boat moving in an endless ocean instead of a river. Struggled with lag and ugliness. Decided to only release for Android since iOS has a ridiculous developers’ fee.


2 hrs

Class time: Prof. Corbett told us that the lag is caused by Unity’s terrible water shader, and not just the number of polygons in the scene as we suspected. We agreed to use a custom water shader. We also took a suggestion to have something cute and organic die in the boat for an impact.


4 hrs

Final touches: Added a more efficient water shader to eliminate lag, added a cute bunny that dies tragically.

14 hrs




We met up at each time and did the work together, also brainstorming and making corrections as we went.



All the old builds and iterations are in the builds folder in the main drive folder.



Water shaders, models, and sounds are credited in the main drive folder.

//Code sample of boat movement
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Circle : MonoBehaviour {

     private float RotateSpeed = 0.06f;
     private float Radius = 700f;
     private Vector3 _centre;
	private Quaternion _centrot;
     private float _angle;
     private void Start()
         _centre = transform.position;
         _centrot = transform.rotation;
     private void Update()
         _angle += RotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
         Vector3 offset = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(_angle), 0,Mathf.Cos(_angle)) * Radius;
         transform.position = _centre + offset;
		 transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0,(RotateSpeed/(Mathf.PI/180)),0) * Time.deltaTime,Space.World);
Click to Expand

See the below link for the drive folder and for more documentation:

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Focused on

Our project aims to illustrate the effect of trash on the environment. Through a 360-degree virtual reality view of a world covered in trash, people will come to learn that trash doesn't end its journey simply in the trash can.