RSMArchitecture 48-734 - Precedent Analysis -Chosen Projects

Made by Vera Schulz

Two projects that relate to Reactive Spaces and Media Architecture, which fascinated me. Project 1: Parametric Space - Zaha Hadid, Project 2: FLUIDIC- Sculpture in Motion - WHITEvoid, Bonus project: Filament Mind - Yong Ju Lee

Created: January 13th, 2016


Two projects that relate to Reactive Spaces and Media Architecture, which fascinated me.

Project 1: Parametric Space - Zaha Hadid

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The concept of parametric spaces was fascinating, seeing what one could do with "laser scanner sensors" that "continuously gather information about visitors' positions in the space." (Kollision) The most interesting thing about the project was how the laser scanners were set up and how naturally the installation reacted with the visitors, and how it generated an interesting reactive space. It would be interesting to learn how the data of the visitor’s positions was gathered and transformed into data, which the installation could receive, then, triggering a change in its shape and expression.

Project 2: FLUIDIC- Sculpture in Motion -WHITEvoid

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FLUIDIC was a similar project to Parametric space, in that it was shaped by visitors presence, but it it also encouraged visitors to interact with it, making for a more immersive experience. I wondered why the creator chose to use illuminated spheres rather than some other alternative lighting tools. The installation seemed to form a relationship with the user by being interactive from multiple points of view. This observation to me, made the installation seem “alive,” and more interesting to look at. I would be interested to see how this project could become more “intelligent,” by not only reacting to interactions with the visitors, but also to their facial reactions. 

Bonus project: Filament Mind- Yong Ju Lee:

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I was simply too fascinated with the project to not mention it. It made me wonder how the presence of such an installation would affect visitors and how it might change the library experience..through visually showing the “collective curiosities and questions of patrons of the library.”

Reflection: After looking into these project I hope that I will be able  to create a space that is not intrusive, and has a positive effect on the audience. That it will react to the simple presence of a human, and will try to identify the person's mood and preferences based off of their interactions with the space and then, the space will adapt based off of the person or groups preferences. It would be reactive and adaptable place, which would attempt to please individuals, and give them a fascinating adventure.

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Two projects that relate to Reactive Spaces and Media Architecture, which fascinated me.

Project 1: Parametric Space - Zaha Hadid,

Project 2: FLUIDIC- Sculpture in Motion - WHITEvoid,

Bonus project: Filament Mind - Yong Ju Lee