Score Ring

a real-time score display for the ultimate sports fan

Made by gwilson, ccfisher, Ethan Krokonko, timothyberryjr and hqlubusi

The ambient scoreboard is a device that allows the user to quickly check the progress of his or her favorite team during games without being distracted by in-game alerts or the droning of commentators and commercials.

Created: February 10th, 2015



Have you ever had to miss watching your favorite team play due to work or a prior engagement? Do you want a way to keep tabs on the game without dedicating hours to watching it on TV or being interrupted by constant score updates?

The Score Ring is a device that allows the user to quickly check the progress of his or her favorite team during games without being distracted by in-game alerts or the droning of commentators and commercials. By connecting to ESPN, it links you to your favorite teams and reports changes in their game’s score through an LED ring display. The object is not meant to present a distraction; therefore, it does not report the scores directly— it displays the proportionate scores of your team and your opponent, to provide you a glanceable indication of how the game is going.



Data: Our team used If This Then That triggers and actions to gather the necessary data. Luckily, IFTTT supplies a trigger through ESPN that fires every time there is an in-game score change for whichever team you specify. When the trigger fires, it sends score data to an event in the Spark Cloud. The device subscribes to this device and updates the display.

Hardware: Working with the Neopixel ring posed a few new challenges to the team. The Neopixel ring was fairly easy to connect to the Spark as we just needed to connect it to power, ground and an input. A 470 ohm resistor was placed between the Spark Core and the the data input for the Neopixel ring and a 1000 uF capacitor was placed between the 5V power and ground. These components were placed in the circuit in order to protect the LEDs in the ring from voltage spikes and high current, respectively. Once the Neopixel ring was connected, the team concentrated on writing the proper code to control the LEDs correctly. In order to show the score ratio of the user’s favorite team to its opponent, a colorWipe was used to turn the proportion of the ring for the score of the user’s team red and the remainder to white.

Bill of Materials

1 - Neopixel Ring - 24 x WS2812 5050 RGB LED w/ Integrated Drivers

1 - 1000 uF 16V Capacitor

1 - 470 ohm Resistor

1 - Spark Core

Fritzing Diagram


Future Work

This ambient scoreboard could be applied to a number of different contexts outside of the office. Larger versions could be developed and displayed in sports bars, especially team-specific sports bars where everyone is following the same team. Households could hang a larger version in their TV room to reflect their family’s team allegiances.

Ideally, this product could also be applied to non-sports related tracking for people who may not be interested in sports. This would tap into a new market sector and provide a greater profit potential. It could display poll results during political elections to show the change in both candidates’ favorability of winning the final election. It could also ambiently show spending habits by tracking and displaying the user’s ratio of money spent to money saved.

And… for the ultimate sports fan, the future version of this device would be able to display multiple game results at one time, perhaps through multiple variable-sized rings. 

#include "application.h"
//#include "spark_disable_wlan.h" // For faster local debugging only
#include "neopixel.h"

#define PIXEL_PIN D2
#define PIXEL_COUNT 24
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812B

// Register the function of pixel library
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);

// Assign integers to store score values
int MyTeam = 0;
int OtherGuys = 0;
int Total = MyTeam + OtherGuys;
int leadScore = 0;
int loseScore=0;

void setup()
    strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

    Spark.subscribe("detroitredwingsevent", myHandler);

void loop()

// Function to wipe through ring with updated LED colors
void colorWipe()
  // Create ratio of MyTeam's score to Total as an integer that can be called
  double ratio = (MyTeam *1.0) / (Total * 1.0);
  double MyTeamRatio = 24.0 * ratio;
  int numTeam = (int)MyTeamRatio;

  for(uint16_t i=0; i<24; i++){
  // Color segment of ring corresponding to ratio of MyTeam's score
  // to Total score
    if( i < numTeam ){
      strip.setBrightness(32); // Scale the LED brightness to 12.5%
     // Color segment of ring corresponding to ratio of OtherGuys's score
     // to Total score
      strip.setBrightness(32); // Scale the LED brightness to 12.5%
    delay(80); // how long to wait (ms) in between individual LEDs filling up

// Analyzing string from detroitredwingsevent to determine score
void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
    if (strcmp (data,"Red") == true) {
      MyTeam = 1;
    else {
      OtherGuys = 1;
    String text = String(data);

    int spacePosition = text.indexOf( "-" );

    String leadScoreText = text.substring( spacePosition -1 );
    String loseScoreText = text.substring( spacePosition +1 );

    int leadScore = leadScoreText.toInt();
    int loseScore = loseScoreText.toInt();
Click to Expand

  Spark Core library to control WS2811/WS2812 based RGB
  LED devices such as Adafruit NeoPixel strips.
  Currently handles 800 KHz and 400kHz bitstream on Spark Core,
  WS2812, WS2812B and WS2811.

  Also supports:
  - Radio Shack Tri-Color Strip with TM1803 controller 400kHz bitstream.
  - TM1829 pixels

  Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries.
  Modified to work with Spark Core by Technobly.
  Contributions by PJRC and other members of the open source community.

  Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
  please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
  from Adafruit!

/* ======================= Adafruit_NeoPixel.h ======================= */
  This file is part of the Adafruit NeoPixel library.

  NeoPixel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
  the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  NeoPixel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with NeoPixel.  If not, see


#include "application.h"

// 'type' flags for LED pixels (third parameter to constructor):
#define WS2812   0x02 // 800 KHz datastream (NeoPixel)
#define WS2812B  0x02 // 800 KHz datastream (NeoPixel)
#define WS2811   0x00 // 400 KHz datastream (NeoPixel)
#define TM1803   0x03 // 400 KHz datastream (Radio Shack Tri-Color Strip)
#define TM1829   0x04 // 800 KHz datastream ()

class Adafruit_NeoPixel {


  // Constructor: number of LEDs, pin number, LED type
  Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint8_t p=2, uint8_t t=WS2812B);

    show(void) __attribute__((optimize("Ofast"))),
    setPin(uint8_t p),
    setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b),
    setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c),
   *getPixels() const;
    numPixels(void) const;
  static uint32_t
    Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
    getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const;


  const uint16_t
    numLEDs,       // Number of RGB LEDs in strip
    numBytes;      // Size of 'pixels' buffer below
  const uint8_t
    type;          // Pixel type flag (400 vs 800 KHz)
    pin,           // Output pin number
   *pixels;        // Holds LED color values (3 bytes each)
    endTime;       // Latch timing reference

Click to Expand

  Spark Core library to control WS2811/WS2812 based RGB
  LED devices such as Adafruit NeoPixel strips.
  Currently handles 800 KHz and 400kHz bitstream on Spark Core,
  WS2812, WS2812B and WS2811.

  Also supports:
  - Radio Shack Tri-Color Strip with TM1803 controller 400kHz bitstream.
  - TM1829 pixels

  Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries.
  Modified to work with Spark Core by Technobly.
  Contributions by PJRC and other members of the open source community.

  Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
  please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
  from Adafruit!

/* ======================= Adafruit_NeoPixel.cpp ======================= */
  This file is part of the Adafruit NeoPixel library.

  NeoPixel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
  the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  NeoPixel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with NeoPixel.  If not, see

#include "neopixel.h"

Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint8_t p, uint8_t t) : \
  numLEDs(n), numBytes(n*3), type(t), pin(p), pixels(NULL)
  if((pixels = (uint8_t *)malloc(numBytes))) {
    memset(pixels, 0, numBytes);

Adafruit_NeoPixel::~Adafruit_NeoPixel() {
  if(pixels) free(pixels);
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);

void Adafruit_NeoPixel::begin(void) {
  pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {
  if(!pixels) return;

  // Data latch = 24 or 50 microsecond pause in the output stream.  Rather than
  // put a delay at the end of the function, the ending time is noted and
  // the function will simply hold off (if needed) on issuing the
  // subsequent round of data until the latch time has elapsed.  This
  // allows the mainline code to start generating the next frame of data
  // rather than stalling for the latch.
  uint32_t wait_time; // wait time in microseconds.
  switch(type) {
    case TM1803: // TM1803 = 24us reset pulse
      wait_time = 24L;
    case TM1829: // TM1829 = 500us reset pulse
      wait_time = 500L;
    case WS2812B: // WS2812 & WS2812B = 50us reset pulse
    case WS2811: // WS2811 = 50us reset pulse
    default:     // default = 50us reset pulse
      wait_time = 50L;
  while((micros() - endTime) < wait_time);
  // endTime is a private member (rather than global var) so that multiple
  // instances on different pins can be quickly issued in succession (each
  // instance doesn't delay the next).

  __disable_irq(); // Need 100% focus on instruction timing

  volatile uint32_t
    c,    // 24-bit pixel color
    mask; // 8-bit mask
  volatile uint16_t i = numBytes; // Output loop counter
  volatile uint8_t
    j,              // 8-bit inner loop counter
   *ptr = pixels,   // Pointer to next byte
    g,              // Current green byte value
    r,              // Current red byte value
    b;              // Current blue byte value

  if(type == WS2812B) { // same as WS2812, 800 KHz bitstream
    while(i) { // While bytes left... (3 bytes = 1 pixel)
      mask = 0x800000; // reset the mask
      i = i-3;      // decrement bytes remaining
      g = *ptr++;   // Next green byte value
      r = *ptr++;   // Next red byte value
      b = *ptr++;   // Next blue byte value
      c = ((uint32_t)g << 16) | ((uint32_t)r <<  8) | b; // Pack the next 3 bytes to keep timing tight
      j = 0;        // reset the 24-bit counter
      do {
        PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // HIGH
        if (c & mask) { // if masked bit is high
          // WS2812 spec             700ns HIGH
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 812ns)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 792ns)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // WS2812 spec             600ns LOW
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 436ns)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 472ns)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
        else { // else masked bit is low
          // WS2812 spec             350ns HIGH
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 312ns)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 306ns)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // WS2812 spec             800ns LOW
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 938ns)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 932ns)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
        mask >>= 1;
      } while ( ++j < 24 ); // ... pixel done
    } // end while(i) ... no more pixels
  else if(type == WS2811) { // WS2811, 400 KHz bitstream
    while(i) { // While bytes left... (3 bytes = 1 pixel)
      mask = 0x800000; // reset the mask
      i = i-3;      // decrement bytes remaining
      r = *ptr++;   // Next red byte value
      g = *ptr++;   // Next green byte value
      b = *ptr++;   // Next blue byte value
      c = ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g <<  8) | b; // Pack the next 3 bytes to keep timing tight
      j = 0;        // reset the 24-bit counter
      do {
        PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // HIGH
        if (c & mask) { // if masked bit is high
          // WS2811 spec             1.20us HIGH
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 1.25us)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 1.25us)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // WS2811 spec             1.30us LOW
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 1.25us)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 1.25us)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
        else { // else masked bit is low
          // WS2811 spec             500ns HIGH
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 500ns)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 500ns)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // WS2811 spec             2.000us LOW
          // Adafruit on Arduino    (meas. 2.000us)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 2.000us)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
        mask >>= 1;
      } while ( ++j < 24 ); // ... pixel done
    } // end while(i) ... no more pixels
  else if(type == TM1803) { // TM1803 (Radio Shack Tri-Color Strip), 400 KHz bitstream
    while(i) { // While bytes left... (3 bytes = 1 pixel)
      mask = 0x800000; // reset the mask
      i = i-3;      // decrement bytes remaining
      r = *ptr++;   // Next green byte value
      g = *ptr++;   // Next red byte value
      b = *ptr++;   // Next blue byte value
      c = ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g <<  8) | b; // Pack the next 3 bytes to keep timing tight
      j = 0;        // reset the 24-bit counter
      do {
        PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // HIGH
        if (c & mask) { // if masked bit is high
          // TM1803 spec             1.36us HIGH
          // Pololu on Arduino      (meas. 1.31us)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 1.36us)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // TM1803 spec             680ns LOW
          // Pololu on Arduino      (meas. 1.024us)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 670ns)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
        else { // else masked bit is low
          // TM1803 spec             680ns HIGH
          // Pololu on Arduino      (meas. 374ns)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 680ns)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // TM1803 spec             1.36us LOW
          // Pololu on Arduino      (meas. 2.00us)
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 1.36us)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
        mask >>= 1;
      } while ( ++j < 24 ); // ... pixel done
    } // end while(i) ... no more pixels
  else { // must be only other option TM1829, 800 KHz bitstream
    while(i) { // While bytes left... (3 bytes = 1 pixel)
      mask = 0x800000; // reset the mask
      i = i-3;      // decrement bytes remaining
      r = *ptr++;   // Next red byte value
      b = *ptr++;   // Next blue byte value
      g = *ptr++;   // Next green byte value
      c = ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)b <<  8) | g; // Pack the next 3 bytes to keep timing tight
      j = 0;        // reset the 24-bit counter
      PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
      for( ;; ) {   // ... pixel done
        if (c & mask) { // if masked bit is high
          // TM1829 spec             800ns LOW
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 792ns)
          mask >>= 1; // Do this task during the long delay of this bit
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // TM1829 spec             300ns HIGH
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 319ns)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // HIGH
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          if(j==24) break;
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
        else { // else masked bit is low
          // TM1829 spec             300ns LOW
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 306ns)
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          // TM1829 spec             800ns HIGH
          // This lib on Spark Core (meas. 805ns)
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // HIGH
          mask >>= 1; // Do this task during the long delay of this bit
          asm volatile(
            "mov r0, r0" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t" "nop" "\n\t"
            ::: "r0", "cc", "memory");
          if(j==24) break;
          PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin; // LOW
    } // end while(i) ... no more pixels

  endTime = micros(); // Save EOD time for latch on next call

// Set the output pin number
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPin(uint8_t p) {
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);
  pin = p;
  pinMode(p, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(p, LOW);

// Set pixel color from separate R,G,B components:
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(
 uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  if(n < numLEDs) {
    if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
      r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
      g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
      b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
    uint8_t *p = &pixels[n * 3];
    switch(type) {
      case WS2812B: // WS2812 & WS2812B is GRB order.
        *p++ = g;
        *p++ = r;
        *p = b;
      case TM1829: // TM1829 is special RBG order
        if(r == 255) r = 254; // 255 on RED channel causes display to be in a special mode.
        *p++ = r;
        *p++ = b;
        *p = g;
      case WS2811: // WS2811 is RGB order
      case TM1803: // TM1803 is RGB order
      default:     // default is RGB order
        *p++ = r;
        *p++ = g;
        *p = b;

// Set pixel color from 'packed' 32-bit RGB color:
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c) {
  if(n < numLEDs) {
      r = (uint8_t)(c >> 16),
      g = (uint8_t)(c >>  8),
      b = (uint8_t)c;
    if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
      r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
      g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
      b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
    uint8_t *p = &pixels[n * 3];
    switch(type) {
      case WS2812B: // WS2812 & WS2812B is GRB order.
        *p++ = g;
        *p++ = r;
        *p = b;
      case TM1829: // TM1829 is special RBG order
        if(r == 255) r = 254; // 255 on RED channel causes display to be in a special mode.
        *p++ = r;
        *p++ = b;
        *p = g;
      case WS2811: // WS2811 is RGB order
      case TM1803: // TM1803 is RGB order
      default:     // default is RGB order
        *p++ = r;
        *p++ = g;
        *p = b;

// Convert separate R,G,B into packed 32-bit RGB color.
// Packed format is always RGB, regardless of LED strand color order.
uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  return ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g <<  8) | b;

// Query color from previously-set pixel (returns packed 32-bit RGB value)
uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const {

  if(n < numLEDs) {
    uint16_t ofs = n * 3;
    return (uint32_t)(pixels[ofs + 2]) |
      ((uint32_t)(pixels[ofs    ]) <<  8) |
      ((uint32_t)(pixels[ofs + 1]) << 16);

  return 0; // Pixel # is out of bounds

uint8_t *Adafruit_NeoPixel::getPixels(void) const {
  return pixels;

uint16_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::numPixels(void) const {
  return numLEDs;

// Adjust output brightness; 0=darkest (off), 255=brightest.  This does
// NOT immediately affect what's currently displayed on the LEDs.  The
// next call to show() will refresh the LEDs at this level.  However,
// this process is potentially "lossy," especially when increasing
// brightness.  The tight timing in the WS2811/WS2812 code means there
// aren't enough free cycles to perform this scaling on the fly as data
// is issued.  So we make a pass through the existing color data in RAM
// and scale it (subsequent graphics commands also work at this
// brightness level).  If there's a significant step up in brightness,
// the limited number of steps (quantization) in the old data will be
// quite visible in the re-scaled version.  For a non-destructive
// change, you'll need to re-render the full strip data.  C'est la vie.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
  // Stored brightness value is different than what's passed.
  // This simplifies the actual scaling math later, allowing a fast
  // 8x8-bit multiply and taking the MSB.  'brightness' is a uint8_t,
  // adding 1 here may (intentionally) roll 0 = max brightness
  // (color values are interpreted literally; no scaling), 1 = min
  // brightness (off), 255 = just below max brightness.
  uint8_t newBrightness = b + 1;
  if(newBrightness != brightness) { // Compare against prior value
    // Brightness has changed -- re-scale existing data in RAM
    uint8_t  c,
            *ptr           = pixels,
             oldBrightness = brightness - 1; // De-wrap old brightness value
    uint16_t scale;
    if(oldBrightness == 0) scale = 0; // Avoid /0
    else if(b == 255) scale = 65535 / oldBrightness;
    else scale = (((uint16_t)newBrightness << 8) - 1) / oldBrightness;
    for(uint16_t i=0; i<numBytes; i++) {
      c      = *ptr;
      *ptr++ = (c * scale) >> 8;
    brightness = newBrightness;
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The ambient scoreboard is a device that allows the user to quickly check the progress of his or her favorite team during games without being distracted by in-game alerts or the droning of commentators and commercials.