Snow Scraping Alert

An alert to add a little extra time in the morning because your windshield has snow or ice.

Made by Alex Surasky-Ysasi

During the winter, there is often an extra step in the morning: cleaning snow and ice off the car. Sometimes, we can be surprised by this need even if we are aware of the weather. Surprise can turn into dangerous driving conditions, if we are in a rush to make it to that important 8:30am meeting. This project simulates a device that would use temperature and pressure sensors to alert some one that they need to clear their windshield and car of ice or snow. The brightness of the light is indication of how much heavily piled the snow is on top of their car. (Photo from:

Created: January 27th, 2015

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During the winter, there is often an extra step in the morning: cleaning snow and ice off the car. Sometimes, we can be surprised by this need even if we are aware of the weather. Surprise can turn into dangerous driving conditions, if we are in a rush to make it to that important 8:30am meeting.

This project simulates a device that would use temperature and pressure sensors to alert some one that they need to clear their windshield and car of ice or snow. The brightness of the light is indication of how much heavily piled the snow is on top of their car.

(Photo from: