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My brother does not have a lock on his door - and no real way of knowing if someone has entered his room when he is not at home. Therefore, I am aiming to create a system where he has such an indicator, along with a record of how many times his room was accessed when he was not there.
in Physical Computing Entrepreneurship
1 228 0 0
PoliTherm is a thermometer that changes temperature and lighting arrangement based upon the sentiment of the Twitterverse on a given politician, whose name is displayed via the screen.
in Intelligent Environments Physical Computing Entrepreneurship
2 365 0 0
Introducing Washready™, the retrofit solution to all washing machine related roommate tension. Washready™ uses an accelerometer to register the vibration of the washing machine and sends the user a text reading “The washing machine is done. Go get your clothes before your roommates throw it on the floor!”, ensuring that the only clothes a roommate takes out of the washer are his own.
in Entrepreneurship
1 245 0 0
To Create a Toy to Try to Testify To the Properties of Water and Pressure to Children around Age 12.
in Entrepreneurship Intelligent Environments Sound Design Learning Media Animation and Special Effects Physical Computing Media Design Game Design
4 535 0 1
This gym ecosystem connects a gym member’s wristband, locker, mirror, and weight equipment in order to build a community, improve workouts, and optimize usage.
in Media Design Learning Media Entrepreneurship Intelligent Environments Physical Computing
Highlight 11 1196 0 0