2018 A4 - Project 2: Holder
8 projects · 13 members
This pool is for students in digiTOOL mini (A4), spring 2018. For this design challenge, students must solve a problem by making a holder of their own design.
This pool is for students in digiTOOL mini (A4), spring 2018. For this design challenge, students must solve a problem by making a holder of their own design.
Final assignment: Composition for a Graphic Novel Short composition with original sounds Accompaniment to a teaser or trailer to a film or game Use previous visual work from narrative/visual mo...more
Design an ambient notification that evokes an 'emotional gesture'. Prepare a conceptual design and realize a working prototype of an ambient object that presents online data in a physical space and...more
Sam and Dale Griffin are interested in a permanent dynamic installation for their newly redesigned backyard at their home in Palo Alto, CA. The garden was designed by Andrea Cochran Landscape Archi...more
Hello, please provide any feedback as you want.
Students in the Media Synthesis Visual Lab practiced video editing in Adobe Premiere by making music videos out of found footage.
Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )