Dream Traces

Made by Brooke Sachs · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

Smell can trigger emotional memory more strongly than any other human sense. Can it be used to help people remember their dreams? Sleep tracking software in fitness watches will help identify when a person is dreaming, which will automatically trigger a subtle release of an aroma. At waking, the scent will be released again as a gentle reminder of the dream from the previous night.

Created: January 31st, 2018

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48-528 Responsive Mobile Environments

· 12 members

The theme for 2018 will be the exploration of human memory and how digital and connected technology can support, augment, enhance, effect and alter the ways in which we remember, recount and reflec...more

Focused on

Smell can trigger emotional memory more strongly than any other human sense. Can it be used to help people remember their dreams? Sleep tracking software in fitness watches will help identify when a person is dreaming, which will automatically trigger a subtle release of an aroma. At waking, the scent will be released again as a gentle reminder of the dream from the previous night.