Patches O'Houlihan

Made by Francisco Rojo

Created: December 1st, 2014


Alien Patch

For the alien patch, I applied a high pass filter, turned the LFO knob to the right, set Shape 1 to a square wave with a short duty cycle, and the shape 2 to a triangular wave. I also created a peak in the high pass filter, and turned the LFO to a rate of 10Hz to create that vibrato effect.


Percussive Patch

For the percussive patch, I made the attack as high as possible, and had a short decay no sustain. I also turned Semitones and Sync Level all the way up to get as much sound out of the short hit as I could.


Pretty Patch

For the pretty patch, I was actually trying to do an alien sound, but realized that when I took away the peak in my low pass filter, I was left with a pretty sound that sounded like an airy organ with a decay that kind of sounded like waves rolling up onto the beach. I used the Retro Synth. I created the “waves” sound on the decay by turning the Env knob to the the right. I created the airy sound by filtering out most of the attack and “punchy” noise and only using the sound that came about my turnin “Sine level” all the way to the right.
