Social (Anxiety) Media

Made by Adhiti Chundur and Gauri Laxman

Our digital installation aims to give viewers a sense of how the presence of social media and continuous information affects our emotions.

Created: November 29th, 2018


Senses, Perception, Objects and Space Project

Title: Social (Anxiety) Media

Created by: Adhiti Chundur, Gauri Laxman

Our project was a projection installation that focused on the emotional weight social media adds to our lives and how the constant influx of information we receive from it affects us. We structured a visual and auditory buildup of phone notifications, news casters, and entertainment media to mirror a normal "day in the life", with a slow buildup at the beginning, the middle filled with busy activity online and finally a decrescendo into photos of the serene Himalayas. The duration of the "tranquil" section represents sleep, where we are forced to take a break from social media. The goal of the project was to highlight this stark difference between the reality we face and the relief we feel when we are whisked away from it all.

View the video below:


Production Timeline:

Date (2018)

Work Completed


Oct 24th

- Brainstorming ideas for project

- Did the planning worksheets

1.5 hrs

Oct 29th

- Created PowerPoint presentation describing project

2 hrs

Oct 30th

- Presented initial project idea in small groups in class

- Received criticism and feedback from professors and students

2 hrs

Oct 30th, Nov 1st

- Collected audio clips, did screen recordings for video

3 hrs

Nov 2nd

- Borrowed projector, edited and pieced together full video

5 hrs

Nov 6th

- Tested out different project presentation setups in classroom using makeshift methods (as alternatives in case we didn’t get our room booked at the right time)

3 hrs

Nov 8th

- Final presentation and critique in front of guests, professors and students

15 min

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Focused on

Our digital installation aims to give viewers a sense of how the presence of social media and continuous information affects our emotions.