Sound Recording Journal I: ASA Chili Sale

Made by Kevin Lee

A 14 minute recording taken while tabling for a chili sale hosted by the Asian Student Association

Created: November 5th, 2014


Location: Outside CUC Conan
Time: 3:00PM

This recording took place during my shift tabling in the CUC with the Asian Student Association for a Chili Foodsale. The CUC is a generally open area with a large amount of reverb and sound effects from the outside world. While recording, the background sounds are noticeable but the voices of the people I was tabling with were extremely clear to me due to their proximity. Also, I was more focused on the actual conversations I was taking part in rather than the sounds the fill the CUC. 

Upon listening to the recording, everything that was audible live can be heard. However, it is easier to listen to the background elements such as the people talking that are walking by, the footsteps of passerbyers, and other things being moved around. As different things happen and conversations fade in and out, my ears quickly refocus on the loudest sound in the recording. Overall, the recording is an accurate representation of the conversation and sounds that occurred during my time tabling. Smaller details that were in the background become more apparent, but the events that transpired during the recording can be clearly inferred from it.

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A 14 minute recording taken while tabling for a chili sale hosted by the Asian Student Association