2017 A1 - Project 2 - 3D Printing
18 projects · 25 members
This pool is for students in digiTOOL: mini 1 (A1), fall 2017.
This pool is for students in digiTOOL: mini 1 (A1), fall 2017.
Show us three projects that relate to your field of interest.
Prepare a conceptual design and realize a working prototype of a product for connected intimacy.
Hello, please provide any feedback as you want.
Portfolio creation is both a learning process and product that documents student interests, skills, and achievements and enables youth to curate creative outputs and personal accomplishments over t...more
Working collaboratively, create a short 2-3 minute performance that will never be the same. Use ideas of indeterminacy, emergence and generative performance, to develop a media-driven performance t...more
Create a site specific liminal installation for Hunt Library which incorporates a material constraint. You'll be assigned one material it must use and you'll work collaboratively. Document visitor ...more
Choose a sound (song, sampled audio, loop) and give it a beautiful physical 3D embodiment/representation (in just 2 hours). Image: Nathalie Miebach, Musical Buoy in Search Towards a New Shore, 2009
Design and build a device or experience that communicates what we can not otherwise perceive. Use sensors or rich media input (video, microphones) to gather unintelligible, unobservable, or under-u...more
Rebound, remix and rework a meme as part of a team. Take turns to iterate and augment a piece of spreadable media in teams of three. Each person will have 30 minutes to edit the meme and pass to th...more
Beg, borrow or steal to make a work of art from which you think you could make money.
Create a digital homage to a 20th century artist/artwork. Explore a work of contemporary art (non-digital, non-screen based) and digitally re-create it in under 2 hours. View full assignment: https...more
Physical computing refers to the design and construction of physical systems that use a mix of software and hardware to sense and respond to the surrounding world. Such systems blend digital and ph...more
Design and build a prototype for a cross-campus energy usage display system. Using live and historical data from the piwebapi,develop a system that will change the behavior of building occupants by...more
For this project, you will investigate a textile skill covered in the class or create a project proposal that incorporates techniques from the class as a way to apply these skills into your own pra...more
For project 3, you will design, build and test prototypes of a toy, game, or activity that engages children in learning about the physical or world. Your project must: • engage a child's curi...more
Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )