Explain NO_THING by the Innovation Lab of Milla & Partner GmbH.
Find two works and review them, stating how they relate to the theme "playground". This is the first work found: Connected Worlds.
This project will explore the ways people interact and relate through media devises and how these interactions can be used to mis-acurately portray our lives.
A new, more hopeful, story out of four of the drearier stories sung by Coldplay
In this multifaceted misrepresentation of data, I plan to warp the data to "make sense" in multiple ways: simplifying data and showing the reality behind the data.
Forcing depth perspective can lead to deception and not seeing the whole picture.
Portraying how angle makes a huge difference in making three dimensions from one.
"Borrow" the concept of the talent television show, "the Voice" to make a statement on anti-abortion laws and the controversial debate on Planned Parenthood.
Use the experience of Dialtones (A Telesymphony) and create a similar inclusive environment in a slightly different, equally digital medium
An attempt to translate Kandinsky's "Several Circles" into a musical composition, to see what it might have been based on.
To show how people react if I lower the filter of my facebook content
States my intention for the Profile Photo Project
Show growing confidence through a trend towards selfies in social media.